Thursday, November 5, 2009

Evan Summer’s Exhibit Response

Immediately speaking I found the collection of pieces to provoke clam serenity. The viewer is able to adjust to the theoretical world created in the landscapes, drawing you increasingly closer to his petite inscriptions. The assembled marks create a combination of a dreary ancient/modern world. This world has been manipulated by the human race, but has no presence of human figures. This permitting your personal advancement toward the environment Evan Summer creates.
A variety of Summer’s landscape pieces are viewed from an elevated level, as if you were flying over the world he has created. The commonality in his work contributes to the mysteriousness of the environment. Summer layers levels of the environment and architecture further animating his perspective. The gradation and color choice is contained and deliberate communicating the importance of environmental impact on human development. This seems to represent the continual transfer of energy through mankind and the uncontrollable environmental progression. It is extremely appealing to consider the power struggle and see in various pieces that the environment has the upper hand almost engulfing the architectural forms. In addition the layers become inviting to the viewer transforming your imagination, allowing you to feel the tension and devotion. One of summer’s pieces titled “Landscape XXXVlll” shows a mass cooperation of structures appearing to intertwine with one another. It is unclear if the surface caused these structures to collide or if they are working in mutual aid with one another, however an optimistic relationship is rendered.
The other series are of close detailed accounts of various insects. The diverse features and natural staging of minute details show similarity to Summer’s landscapes. The piece labeled “ LYNN’S Giant Grasshopper” displays this particular resemblance. The patterns created in the wings have an aging decent into the depths of the surrounding conditions. Summers seems to render this concept into his landscape pieces allowing the viewer to question his developed environments and their eventual progression.

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