this first sketch combines two themes that i like to work with. i often like to work with geometric shapes that fit into each other to make a whole, like puzzle pieces almost. i'm working on a fibers piece that goes along with this idea. the other part of this sketch has to do with the colored in triangle. i like to explore the concept of significance.

I think this sketch is most representative of the way i work/draw. i started out trying to draw a hand and then i got distracted and bored with it so i just started to draw the awkward contour lines around it. then i went to write 'it's hard to draw a hand' so i would remember not to try to draw one again but when i went to write the word 'draw', i accidentally wrote the letter 'b' instead of 'd' so i then changed my phrase to 'it's hard to be a hand'. i really like the way the lines look with the image of the half hand. i like working with contour lines and repeating lines and awkward looking lines.

This sketch was inspired by an assignment i had last year in my drawing 1 class when we had to draw a striped fabric that was draped over a chair. I liked the way the stripes/lines could describe the shape and movement of the fabric. I wanted this sketch to come out looking like a draped/crinkled/wavy piece of fabric but I dont know how successful i was at accomplishing that.
one artist that i have been researching is Mariska Karasz, you can see her work at MariskaKarasz.com - her fibers pieces are really amazing.
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