This first sketch is of my original idea for our Raquette Lake project. The idea was to build a bridge that broke through a wall and this would be related to overcoming barriers - which would fit well with the Cortland intellectual theme (or whatever it is) of walls/barriers/etc.

This sketch was so I could get a basic understanding of what I wanted to build for Sculpture. Our assignment was to find a wooden chair, take it apart and build a bridge that would span 6 feet and would be able to hold Vaughn. I sketched about half of it to understand how I was going to put the pieces together and I made notes about what I wanted to focus on

This last sketch is an idea I have for a future project. It's simply an idea right now and I haven't taken much time in developing this idea right now. If I make it into the BFA program next semester, I may try and bring this project to life. There aren't many notes or details with it because I already know what I want it to be and what I want to accomplish with it, so adding notes would just be pointless.

This last sketch is an idea I have for a future project. It's simply an idea right now and I haven't taken much time in developing this idea right now. If I make it into the BFA program next semester, I may try and bring this project to life. There aren't many notes or details with it because I already know what I want it to be and what I want to accomplish with it, so adding notes would just be pointless.
Basically, I want to line up 4 tvs or monitors or whatever, so that it forms a box. I want to make 4 of the same animation, but from different angles so that when it's played on the monitors, it's a 3D experience for the viewers. I have a couple other ideas for this, but I don't really want to say much until I begin to flesh this idea out.
One artist I'm looking at is Banksy. I like what he does with stencils because it's quick and easy, yet still accomplishes a job successfully. I'm slowly doing more and more research about him because I really enjoy what he does with mixed media.
Another artist I'm looking at is... I forgot his name. I'll find the link I saved when I get home and then I'll edit this post later.
i would like to see more on the tv screen idea... More notes would be helpful to people who have no clue what you are talking about