The first sketch on the upper left corner is a drawing of my friend nick. I drew this from photo reference, and chose to draw this because i really liked the folds in his shirt. i had been doing a few sketches pertaining to drapery and wanted to experiment a bit further with it. The second sketch is of course a sketch of the corpse, it was drawn from observation, and does not even compare to the real deal. While drawing this i was really trying to capture the layers which it was made of. I also really wanted to incorporate the reflecting light from the water, which i believed was the most challenging part of the drawing. The third drawing is of a cake my grandmother made for thanksgiving. This was also drawn from observation, and i chose to draw this because it looks delicious of course, and also because of all the varied textures. The texture the of the icing was what really inspired me to draw this cake; i loved the way it folded over the cake, and the shadows the imbedded strawberries made. All of these sketches are just a collaboration of experimenting with light and texture. I am trying to broaden my drawing capabilities, especially pertaining to figure drawings. Two artists i am currently looking at are
Robert Rauschenberg, and
Brice Marden. I am inspired by these abstract artists because of their choice of color and shape. I am inspired by Robert Rauschenberg's take on pop art, his work is exciting and has a very diverse appeal to it. His work can be appreciated in a fine arts sense, and also appreciated by the public. I am inspired by Brice Mardens work because it is very similar to the experiments i have been working with. The brilliant line and texture which he uses in his work is something i am trying to accomplish in my own.
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