*Okay, this is the first sketch which I really would call a doodle and I don't mind calling it that. I had the idea to do this around Halloween because I like the way sugar skulls look and I typically draw women. Most of my art has to do with women and what it means to be a wom

*This sketch was me fooling around thinking about pin up art as usual. I have tons of these doodles and they usually are only a few inches tall. I just think it is funny that during a time a woman had so many demands put on her and that she was supposed to be appropriate that some choose to be pin ups and they weren't really degraded for it.

*This sketch is actually based off of a models picture that I fell in love with because the way her body is positioned. It just looks really interesting. It also feels like she is saying she is ashamed for being naked in front of cameras and so she will turn her face away.
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